Study Materials are hard to find and Textbooks are expensive, so we created a platform that connects students to get a better deal.
BookU is a student-to-student marketplace that helps classmates seamlessly exchange textbooks and study materials.
Uploading is seamless, payment is digital, and exchanges are local and on-demand.
Textbooks: Simply scan your books barcode and it automatically inputs the details and image
Study Guide: Upload your document for review and once it’s approved well fill in the listing for you
It recommends pricing, so you don’t have to guess
Payment automatically direct deposits to your bank account
Renting or Buying?
Search the community’s supply using keywords and class ID’s, or simply scan the barcode of your friend’s book
Choose your vendor; every user has a confirmed Facebook profile and displayed reviews
Textbooks: Safely coordinate the exchange with our in-app messenger, keeping your personal information private
Study Guides: Check your e-mail, BookU auto-sends the .PDF after payment confirmation
Pay easily by scanning your credit card